Keeping culture alive

December 18, 2023

Keeping culture alive is one of the Museum's prerogatives. To do this, we organize educational outings with school students. Find out more about the project.

Do you agree that culture is true nourishment for the soul? And where better to find nourishment than in a Museum?

We believe that our Museum is not only a place to see classic cars and historical documents, but also a place for learning and exchanging opinions, thoughts and memories. We are always happy when people who come to visit us take away with them an extra bit of knowledge. And above all, that they have found a place full of excitement.

"You said emotions are overrated? But that's a str.....a: emotions are all we have!"

A wonderful line by Harvey Keitel - Mick Boyle, from the film "Youth, the Youth" by Paolo Sorrentino.


We often host classes (from elementary through high school) for educational outings organized by their educational institutions.

For A.S. 2022/2023 we have implemented two projects:

- "Sustainable mobility for generation Z" designed for teenagers.

- "Did Cars Really Look Like That?" designed for elementary school children.

Both are part of a broader initiative, "Tradition is to guard the fire, not worship the ashes. Culture and Innovation for the Territory's Youth," a title derived from the quote we hold dear by Gustav Mahler.

The goal is to disseminate and publicize our history, with special emphasis on the active involvement of students. We not only wish to make them aware of the company's history, but also want to solicit their role as cultural promoters. These initiatives, also oriented toward social utility, aim to involve future generations, promoting culture and enhancing the territory.

It is our Friends of Museo Fratelli Cozzi Association that is in charge of these activities.

A nonprofit organization that works to support the cultural initiatives of the Cozzi Brothers Museum and aims to enhance and popularize the culture of science and technology in the automotive sector and promote the development and growth of the area through its historical heritage.

Our big thanks go to the support of the Ticino Olona Community Foundation; it is also thanks to them that we can come up with valuable projects like this one.

Educational outings in our Museum.

Would you like to organize an educational visit to the Museum?