The Museum on Google Arts & Culture

January 30, 2024

Did you know that our Museum has an online presence on the Google Arts and Culture platform? It is a pleasure for us to be able to spread culture in this way as well.

Lying between red and black, caressed by spotlights and admired by thousands of enthusiastic eyes. You know, our beloved Alfa Romeos are real divas!

Today our divas have conquered a new digital stage, that of Google Arts & Culture. What is it all about?

Imagine flipping through the pages of Alfa Romeo's glorious history, immersing yourself in timeless design, and discovering the charm of our classic cars right from your PC--sort of like you have the keys to our Virtual Museum. Isn't that great?

Screenshots of the Museum's pages on Google Arts & Culture.

For this opportunity, we have Google Arts & Culture, an online platform developed by Google that provides access to a wide range of arts and cultural content from around the world, to thank. The platform allows users to explore art collections, artworks, historical monuments, and more. You can also find virtual exhibitions, collaborative projects, and detailed information about artworks and artists.

How was this made possible? The answer lies in the power of collaboration, in the union between our Museum and Museimpresa. Museimpresa, in fact, played a key role by adding to the Google Arts & Culture archive and allowing fans to virtually visit our Museum, along with so many other wonderful enterprise museums.

The goal of the initiative is to make business culture accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world, at any time, while also enabling its preservation for future generations. A mission we like, and one that we feel is ours.

Museimpresa President Antonio Calabrò at the project's official presentation event.

 Not only Cozzi Brothers Museum

In addition to our museum, more than 30 museums and archives of major Italian companies are joining Museimpresa's project on Google Arts and Culture. Explore them all!

Here is the list of participants: Rubelli Corporate Archives, Benetton Archives, Bracco Historical Archives, Birra Peroni Historical Archives and Museum, Eni Historical Archives, Farmigea Historical Archives, SDF Historical Archives and SAME Museum, Olivetti Historical Archives Association, Riva di Sarnico Shipyard, Casa Martini, Corporate Heritage & Historical Archive - Generali, Fapim Museum, Aem Foundation, Dalmine Foundation, ISEC Foundation - Institute for the History of the Contemporary Age, Mansutti Foundation, Marca Corona Gallery, The Landscape of Excellence, MUMAC - Cimbali Group Coffee Machine Museum, Urbani Truffle Museum, Villa Foscarini Rossi Footwear Museum, Bianchi 1770 Key Museum, "Giorgio Amarelli" Licorice Museum, Cuomo Pasta Museum, Gias Museum, Lavazza Museum and Lavazza Historical Archives, Marazzato Museum, Nicolis Museum of Mechanics Technique Car, Iris Ceramics Group Historical Museum, Officina Rancilio 1926, Poli Grappa Museum, Poltrona Frau Museum.

We look forward to seeing you in our virtual museum: enjoy your browsing!

Visit the page dedicated to our museum on the Google Arts & Culture website