class 5 BTU
Prof.ssa Tiziana Fiori
Laura Defendi
"A Museum in the City" is a training project aimed at secondary school students, an experience of active citizenship that wants to make young people aware that even the industrial heritage can represent an opportunity for tourism, when we talk about products of value, elegance and power such as Alfa Romeo cars, which boast a large number of admirers all over the world. So not only the landscape, monuments and food, but also the products of the refined Italian manufacturing can represent a basin to draw on to offer interesting and original tourist packages. The museum, acting as a location for the realization of various types of events in which students will perform tasks related to the reception of visitors, is proposed as a place open to the logic of the market and no longer closed to a small number of users.
Students will be involved in a didactic path of study inside and outside the classroom, visiting the museum and participating in the many initiatives and events that take place there, with the following objectives:
- to stimulate the assumption and sense of responsibility of young students towards Italian manufacturing production;
- to foster a sense of belonging to the city community and an appreciation for recent history, manufacturing production and links with its territory;
- to promote knowledge of the professions related to the protection, conservation and promotion of this heritage;
- stimulate the acquisition of specific competences in the cultural and communicative field, offering a dynamic and involving opportunity to verify the skills acquired in the field.
Thanks to this project the students were able to:
- Creation of the 2018 Calendar: design, creation, editing and printing;
- Organization and management of AlfaForYoung guided tour;
- Social publishing plan for the promotion of initiatives;
- Getting to know the productive realities of excellence in the area;
- Carry out activities of analysis of the skills required by companies in order to promote the correspondence of the programming; didactics of schools to the professional demand;
- Promote the implementation of training experiences designed jointly by companies and schools;
- Delivering an innovative training experience geared towards the development of financial and entrepreneurial skills;
- Raising awareness of the value of the area's historical, cultural and industrial heritage.
Internship at the Student Museum
Project completion
Internship days
Pupils involved
Documents produced
The guided tour
On Sunday 8th April the students of the Carlo Dell'Acqua Institute completed the last act of "Museum in the City", the training project aimed at secondary school students. An experience of active citizenship created to make young people aware that industrial heritage can also represent an opportunity for tourism.
The students were involved in an educational path of study inside and outside the classroom. They visited the Museum, participated in the events organized, creating and managing an editorial plan for the promotion of their calendar, set in the Museum. The last act of a work that lasted months went on stage on Sunday, April 8th, with the opening entitled #AlfaForYoung, the hashtag created by the students for the social campaign that received over a thousand hearts on Istagram and 400 like on facebook.
Here are the names of the students who participated in #AlphaForYoung: Aminti Sara, Banfi Erika, Bertino Francesca, Bulgarelli Giulia, Carucci Elisa, Cavallin Federica, Fostinelli Sara, Frasca Francesca, Galoy Janell, Greco Alessandra, Grispo Michael, Kullolli Camilla, Merlin Dalila, Mosca Eva , Oneda Matteo, Pastori Martina, Pulerà Denise e Terreni Alessia assisted by professors of the Istituto Carlo dell'Acqua, under the tutorship of Professor Tiziana Fiori.

Documents produced by the students
Alfista Calendar

AlfaForYoung guided tour

Events Assistance
Comment of the Museum Communication Manager
The class was immediately united and collaborative, capable of bringing out the different personalities of each student.
The pupils were able to move independently, showing great willingness to learn and participated with great curiosity in the events, processing the information and suggestions given to them in a responsible way.
Interesting the organization of the guided tour, where they had to deal not only with personal preparation and group synergy, but also with the experience of public speaking using the microphone, a detail absolutely not secondary for emotional management.
The calendar required research and graphic elaboration work that the students managed autonomously, supported by the professors and the tutor, demonstrating a good growth factor during the time elapsed between the design and printing phases.
Overall, the work carried out is to be considered absolutely satisfactory.
Laura Defendi