Theory and techniques of image promotion

  Catherine Elli



Creation of a presentation that aims to analyze the promotion and communication techniques adopted by the Fratelli Cozzi Museum.


Creation and management of an Instagram profile dedicated to an audience under 30.

Support to the archival activity, with particular reference to the digitization of the CozziLab material.





Create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of about 60 slides. We started by analyzing the link between the museum design concept and the website. Then the different thematic areas that make up the site were specifically analyzed to understand how the Museum uses the site to communicate with its targets and to promote itself. The communication strategy that the Museum uses on its Facebook page was then analyzed. Finally, one of the Museum's projects was analyzed: Woman in Power, explaining its genesis and the motivations that led to its birth. The objectives achieved by the project itself and the communicative and promotional methods that have made it possible to make the Museum known and promote it were analyzed, since the project belongs to its communicative strategies.


Creation and management of the Caterina.Elli01 profile, including the creation of bullets and Instagram stories.

Scanning and digitization of archival material, as indicated by the archivist Marta Bianchi.






Project completion

Working days

Researchers involved

Documents produced

A composition taken from the Instagram profile created by Caterina for the Fratelli Cozzi Museum @caterina.elli01



The Catholic University of the Sacred Heart is a private university of Catholic inspiration, which has its headquarters in Milan and other locations in Brescia, Cremona, Piacenza, Rome. In 1919, Agostino Gemelli, Ludovico Necchi, Francesco Olgiati, Armida Barelli and Ernesto Lombardo, all committed to the cultural and ecclesial level, gave concrete form to the desire to found a Catholic university that would play an important role within the national culture. In February 1920 the Giuseppe Toniolo Institute of Higher Studies was established, a founding body and guarantor of the Catholic University. On 24 June of the same year the Institute obtained the decree of approval, signed by Benedetto Croce, and Pope Benedict XV endorsed the university from a Catholic point of view. On 7 December 1921 the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan was officially inaugurated in Milan.
It offers three-year and single-cycle degree courses, master's degrees, master's degrees and doctorates. The educational offer of the Catholic University is wide as it offers: 41 three-year degree courses, 42 master's degree courses, 6 single-cycle master's degree courses, 2 three-year degree courses and 2 English language curricula, 1 single-cycle master's degree course in English, 6 master's degree courses and 3 English language profiles.
Bachelor and one-cycle degree courses include: Communication and Society, Dietics, Economics, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Humanities, Media Languages, Mathematics, Cultural Heritage, Education and Training.
Among the Master's degree courses, which last two years and are the continuation of three-year degrees, they allow students to achieve a Master's degree: Archaeology and Art History; Banking and Finance; Communication for Business, Media and Complex Organizations; Pedagogical Consultancy for Disability and Marginality; Management and Business Consulting, Economics, Modern Philosophy, Philosophy, Labor Management and Communication for Organizations; Innovation and Technology Management; Social Work and Services for Families, Children and Communities; Management; Mathematics; Markets and Business Strategies; European and International Policies; Policies for International Development Cooperation; Public Policies; Clinical Psychology and Health Promotion: Personal, family and community relations; Psychology of development and protection processes; Psychology for well-being: empowerment, rehabilitation and positive technology; Psychology for organisations: human resources, marketing and communication; Antiquity sciences; Technical sciences of preventive and adapted motor activities; Language sciences; Pedagogical sciences and personal services; Statistical and actuarial sciences.
There are currently 40,000 students enrolled at the Catholic University and 10,000 graduates every year.



Caterina attended from 2009 to 2011 the Severi-Correnti Institute of Higher Education in Milan, from 211 to 2014 the Edmondo De Amicis Institute in Milan and since 2015 she has been attending the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan in the course Linguaggi dei Media, an inter-faculty between Political and Social Sciences and Literature and Philosophy.

Visiting the "Fratelli Cozzi-Alfa Romeo Museum" for me was a new and different experience from the classic museum visits. This is because first of all different is the atmosphere that you breathe once you arrive at the museum in fact, to reach the museum area, you go down a staircase with a light "Red Alfa" that creates a very suggestive environment. Then you get to the lower floor, the museum area, and the peculiarity of this visit is that as soon as you get to the lower floor everything is dark, then suddenly the lights come on and you find yourself in a room surrounded by cars. For someone like me who hasn't lived those years and who hasn't heard many stories, it was a very beautiful experience because not only did it allow me to know, see and partly relive years of my country's history, but it also made me understand how much progress there has been and how much, over the years, the cars and their design have changed.


My collaboration with the Fratelli Cozzi Museum was born because one of my university professors, Professor Pier Donato Vercellone, professor of Theory and Techniques of Image Promotion, as an examination test required research on the promotion techniques used by a brand. Assuming that this was the first time that I had interfaced with a working reality and that I was carrying out a project of this kind, I must say that the experience at the museum was absolutely positive and productive because it allowed me to get to know a new reality and to put myself to the test. Helping me in the realization of my research was Elisabetta Cozzi (the director of the Museum) who was extremely helpful allowing me, thanks to the information she gave me and the time we spent together, to realize my presentation, where I inserted all the information I received from her about the communication and promotional strategy of the museum and some photos of the website and events that the museum has hosted over the years.

The document produced

IFS Museums Presentation

Examination of

Theory and Technique of image promotion