IS Carlo Dell'Acqua 2017/2018
STUDENTS class 5° BTU TUTOR SCHOOL Prof.ssa Tiziana Fiori TUTOR MUSEUM Laura Defendi Objective "A Museum in the city" is a training project aimed at secondary school students, an experience of active citizenship that wants to make students aware of the importance of the city and its...
STUDENT Valentina Ribaudo TUTOR SCHOOL Prof.ssa Elena Tramacere TUTOR MUSEUM Elisabetta Cozzi Objective The objective is to promote the recovery of local traditions and historical memory, linked to the automotive industry and culture...
Beetles 2017-18 Giulia and Martina
STUDENTS Martello Martina Lotrecchio Giulia TUTOR SCHOOL Prof. Mariangela Rececconi TUTOR MUSEUM Elisabetta Cozzi Objective The project aims to stimulate the attention of young students to issues related to the world of finance and business...